Monday, April 25, 2016


1. INTP (Introverted, Intuition, Thinking, Perceiving)
2. I would agree with this analysis because it shows how I am outwardly, as this test is probably for. I find that it shows my mindset whilst answering the questions, however the percentages were vastly different to how I would expect because they were mostly around 20% different with one 70% for Thinking.
3. two of the related careers were engineering and computer science and software engineering, theses two are interesting to myself because they are things that I like and am interested in and I am more likely to believe this prognosis because it plays to my preferences.
4. famous people who have the INTP personality type include great scientists and philosophers like Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, and others. this doesn't surprise me because the only people who would be on this sort of website would be notable in some way.

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