Thursday, April 21, 2016

crappy cover letters

1. 4
           number four actually bolded important information this highlights the best things and catches the readers attention and makes it more likely for the reader to be interested giving an advantage over all others, however the violin diploma was out of place and quite useless
2. 1
            applicant 1, in my opinion should not have counted on familiarity to use Mr. kee's full name, jobs and working are quite formal so this applicant should be more formal. however this person has many qualifications including what seems to be great knowledge of EQAO and so, can help the students.
3. 14     <-- incidental
            This person failed their math one year which is a very bad thing to say to a potential employer, however if this person was a mature and developed enough to learn from his mistakes, his failure would be a positive force on his teaching.

1. 6
           this applicant's letter was way too short and shows no exceptional skills, this person only passed high school math and that is it. in my opinion this person doesn't show anything positive which set them above any other candidates.
2. 17
           seventeen starts with talking about other things like biology which turns me off to what this applicant has to say, throughout the rest of the application, this person goes into things like: tech work, sales experience, and other such things which really don't relate to math tutoring.
3. 15
            the final applicant here is a bad applicant because they don't show the relevant knowledge and expertise to stand out enough to get a job. this person really needed to show their "guns" and qualifications.

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