Friday, February 26, 2016

1.  What is Canada's Youth Unemployment rate in the article?

The unemployment rate in Canada is 13 percent

2.  What country has the worst Youth unemployment rate?

In Greece the unemployment rate is 48.6 percent

3.  What country has the best youth unemployment rate?

Germany has the best, at 7 percent

4.  How did Stephen Harper not help the employment situation?

"Between 2006 and 2014 his government opened the floodgates to low-skilledtemporary foreign workers, who took the entry-level jobs normally sought by young people." -  The Star, full article

5.  How is Trudeau helping to make more jobs for young Canadians?

he wants to make 5,000 "green jobs"

6.  What is the problem with the Liberal youth employment strategy?

not enough money

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