Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Battle Ship:
Dice Tower:

Friday, May 6, 2016

arduino wire connections on a bread board, assignment number one (the beginning); the movie

1. works
2. works
3, wire on negative rail doesn't connect to wire on positive rail
4. resistor on rail 8 doesn't connect to led on rail 9
5. works
6. works
7. works

Monday, April 25, 2016


1. INTP (Introverted, Intuition, Thinking, Perceiving)
2. I would agree with this analysis because it shows how I am outwardly, as this test is probably for. I find that it shows my mindset whilst answering the questions, however the percentages were vastly different to how I would expect because they were mostly around 20% different with one 70% for Thinking.
3. two of the related careers were engineering and computer science and software engineering, theses two are interesting to myself because they are things that I like and am interested in and I am more likely to believe this prognosis because it plays to my preferences.
4. famous people who have the INTP personality type include great scientists and philosophers like Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, and others. this doesn't surprise me because the only people who would be on this sort of website would be notable in some way.

cost of living

$6,124.34 = full cost of living with rent
+ 300 dollars of savings = $6,424.34

$100219.704 full cost per year

ideal computer


crapy resumes

1. 19
        this was very easy to read it was well represented and catchy, it drew my attention which is good for a potential employee to a potential employer.
2. 2
         this is organized and starts with tutoring and math, this gets right to the point, however the rest of it isn't entirely necessary and makes the resume too long and harder to read.
3. 16
         very experienced in many different areas of work, however a lot of it is not relevant to tutoring math. the only thing about math tutoring was just plain tutoring and this was children from 2-5

1. 5
         This resume was not focused on math, it started out with a page of biology. And throughout the rest of the resume, there is no mention of math, this shows that this person is not well suited for this job, they don't have enough relevant qualifications
2. 21
         this was too confused it is to gather the information, and none of it was about math or tutoring, so this person didn't show any aptitude for this job. they should have been more specific about math
3. 11
         the only job experience of this person is burger king which makes me and probably most employers, judge this person without thinking about the resume making it harder for this person to get a job


          a) put all excess money in the bank so it isn't spent on the weekend, always eat because it gives more concentrated amounts of money at once to use!
         b) get money first so that you can get items, because money buys happiness!
         c) when you have lots of money, then buy lots of cheap tuition at once, then learn with extra time after eating, learn everything, but mostly tech to work at the factory
         d)work hard don't switch jobs too rapidly, work for about half to three quarters of the week every week.

      if you just want to win, put the expectations low.
      always put money in the bank
      don't relax without money and food
      refrigerators save money
      always pay rent it gives much more money in concentrated times to buy few big things than many small things.
